Thursday, July 15, 2010

Friends at the zoo

This a picture of our good friends The Morris Family. Sean, Nikki Logan and Ryan. We took a trip to the zoo. Joe has Eli and Bella in the stroller. We had a great time!
I made a good friend about 12 years ago when he was on a mission for our church here in Ohio. We have kept in touch and finally after many years, he and his family are living on this side of the country. They were able to come visit us a couple weeks ago. This is Logan. He is 9 and he loved Eli. Eli also loved him! So Glad Sean, Nikki, Logan and Ryan came to visit.

New at blogging

I am going to try my hand at blogging. I enjoy watching and reading about my friends and their families and their many adventures. I try to upload things to facebook, and have just learned how to put videos on so others can see. Wish me luck and check back often!